Planning a Birthday | Birthday Party Balloon Decoration Suppliers

Planning a Birthday | Birthday Party Balloon Decoration Suppliers


Congratulations! Your little one is one, and you’ve survived the first year marvelously! But in your excitement in planning a Pinterest-worthy party, you’re likely to go overboard, spending money on things that aren’t worth your time and money. As leading kid’s birthday party balloon decoration in Bangalore, we list some of the fripperies you can live without.

A Huge and Elaborate Cake

With so much money spent on the party, it only makes sense to choose an elaborate and grand cake suited to the theme. The cake will be the focus of everyone’s attention during the cake-cutting event and the photoshoot. But beyond this, there’s not much that it can do. While the fondant is edible, it is too sweet. People often throw away the fondant because it doesn’t taste as good and is incredibly sweet. Also, unlike homemade fondants (made from marshmallows), commercial fondants don’t taste good.

Instead, you can buy a smaller, more elaborate cake for the ceremony and a simple cake for guests. Agreed, the photos of elaborate cakes on social media are tempting, but they will mean nothing to your kid, who will likely chase the balloons and buntings. You’d rather spend the money renting a ball pool slide.

A Huge Guest List

A huge party sounds exciting and a great way to celebrate your child’s birthday. But a small yet intimate party seems more logical for a one-year-old. If you have a small space, a family-only party with a few close friends makes sense. Besides, children are sensitive to noisy social settings and become overwhelmed in the company of unfamiliar adults. Since the event revolved around children, baby-proofing the venue and managing everyone can be problematic.

Kids First Birthday Theme

Too Much Food

Kids are going to be too busy running around and having fun to enjoy the elaborate lunch you may have arranged. Also, since there are going to be lots of snacks, ice creams, and cakes, they’re likely to be full even before food is served. Avoid too many drink options as well – you can arrange a live ice gola stall for the kids and adults. Children will surely love the beautiful array of colors!

We suggest preparing kid’s party combo boxes, each containing bite-sized items like pizzas, chowmein, mini-burger, etc., along with cutlery and a tissue. Children can eat them at the party or take them home if they’re not ready to eat. You can arrange a separate menu for the adults. But again, keep the menu limited, as they will likely be snacking along with the kids.

Return Gifts

Return gifts are small tokens of appreciation, thanking them for taking the time and effort to attend the event. They serve as a gesture of gratitude and make the guests feel special. Common return gifts include personalized items, chocolates, mini plants, etc. They enhance the overall experience and leave a lasting impression on attendees.

But more often than not, people often toss them in the trash because there’s nothing much they can do with the little trinkets in these party favor bags. Some of them break even before making it on their way home. Look for meaningful return gifts the children can reuse, including school supplies, water bottles, hobby kits, books, etc.

If you’re not sure how to organise a birthday on a budget, hire a professional first-birthday event planner. While the initial cost may seem expensive, they’re definitely cheaper, considering the things covered in their package. Everything is included in a birthday package, from food and venue to games and entertainment.

Visit our Instagram page for more updates on your child’s dream birthday party celebrations with the best birthday party balloon decoration suppliers in Bangalore.


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